Key Messages

Key Messages from the Central Wheatbelt Biosecurity Association (CWBA):

Community Collaboration for Effective Pest Control: CWBA believes that declared pests can be effectively managed through community collaboration, involving landholders, industry, and government. By working together in a coordinated manner, we can better support landholders in pest control efforts.


Priority Pest Species: CWBA targets priority pest species such as wild dogs, red foxes, European rabbits, and feral pigs, recognising their detrimental impacts on agriculture, the environment, and human safety. We aim to address these pests through proactive strategies and technologies.


Stakeholder Engagement and Awareness: CWBA aims to increase stakeholder participation and encourage the adoption of sound biosecurity practices within the community. We provide a platform for exchanging information, advice, and assistance to support effective pest management.


Proactive Pest Management: Our objective is to implement best practice-declared pest management on both private and public lands within our area of management. We seek to minimise future impacts on landholder properties through proactive management strategies.


Expansion and Collaboration: CWBA is open to supporting declared pest management in adjacent shires and collaborating with other groups in the future. This would allow for coordinated pest control efforts over a broader area, enhancing effectiveness.


Access to Funding and Resources: We actively seek external funding, ongoing state government support, training, and resources to bolster our pest control initiatives. With adequate resources and support, we can continue to deliver practical solutions and broaden stakeholder awareness.


History of Action and Impact: CWBA has a history of proactive action, stemming from the formation of the Central Wheatbelt Declared Species Group in 2012. Since then, we have diligently worked to address pest issues, including dog attacks on livestock, through funding, contracting pest management technicians, and organising community baiting programs.


Commitment to Pest Management: CWBA recognises the devastating effects of declared pests on agriculture, the environment, and community well-being. We remain committed to facilitating cooperative control activities across the landscape, ensuring the long-term sustainability of our region.


Coordinated Approach for Success: Success in pest management relies on a coordinated approach that transcends boundaries and involves all stakeholders. CWBA advocates for inclusive, well-timed control activities that address the entire landscape, fostering resilience and resourcefulness.


Continuous Improvement and Adaptation: CWBA is dedicated to continuous improvement and adaptation in pest management practices. By staying abreast of emerging challenges and adopting innovative solutions, we strive to safeguard the livelihoods and ecosystems of the Central Wheatbelt region.


History and Declared Pest Rate: Established in 2017, CWBA evolved from the Central Wheatbelt Declared Species Group (CWDSG) to address escalating dog attacks on livestock. The association successfully obtained funding to deploy licensed pest management technicians and conducts baiting and rabbit control initiatives. CWBA implements a declared pest rate, matched by the government, to manage priority pests effectively within its operational area.


Feedback and Stakeholder Engagement: CWBA values stakeholder feedback and engagement to ensure effective pest management and operational planning. Stakeholders are invited to provide input on proposed changes, such as a modest increase in the declared pest rate, to support ongoing pest control efforts and essential services. Collaboration with stakeholders is essential in shaping CWBA’s initiatives and ensuring the sustainability of the region’s environment, agriculture, and communities.