Traveling with Dogs and Pest Control

Welcome to the Central Wheatbelt Biosecurity Region!

We’re excited to have you visit our beautiful region with your furry companions. As you explore the stunning landscapes and unique attractions in the Shire of Koorda, Dalwallinu, Perenjori, and Morawa, it’s essential to be mindful of our delicate ecosystem and the importance of pest control for agriculture, the environment, and your pet’s safety. Here are some tips and guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for you and your dogs while also protecting our environment.

Know Before You Go:

  • Familiarise yourself with local regulations and requirements for traveling with dogs in the area. Check if there are any specific rules or restrictions regarding dogs in national parks, reserves, or public spaces.


Keep Dogs on Leash:

  • Keep your dogs on a leash at all times, especially in sensitive ecological areas or where signs indicate wildlife presence. This helps prevent disturbance to native wildlife and reduces the risk of your dogs spreading pests or diseases.


Responsible Waste Management:

  • Always clean up after your dogs and properly dispose of their waste in designated bins or waste receptacles. Dog waste can attract pests and contribute to environmental pollution if left unattended.


Stay on Designated Trails:

  • Stick to designated trails and paths when walking or hiking with your dogs. Avoid venturing off-trail into fragile habitats or protected areas where your dogs may disturb nesting sites or native vegetation.


Check for Pests:

  • Before and after your outdoor adventures, check your dogs for any signs of pests such as ticks, fleas, or burrs. Promptly remove any pests to prevent infestations and minimise the spread of invasive species.


Prevent the Spread of Weeds:

  • Be mindful of plant seeds and debris that may cling to your dogs’ fur or paws while exploring outdoor areas. Help prevent the spread of weeds by brushing off or removing any plant material before leaving the area.


1080 Baiting Programs:

  • 1080 baiting programs are carried out in the CWBA region all year round – particularly across the Karara Rangeland Park. 1080 poison is used to control wild dogs, foxes, feral cats, feral pigs, and rabbits.  Keep pets close and under control at all times. Do not rely on the presence of 1080 warning signs. Consult with property owners before entering their properties. Treat all properties as possibly baited. While 1080 warning signs are placed in visible areas on pastoral leases, national parks, nature reserves, crown land and main access roads in the region these signs may not be in your immediate vicinity or may be weather damaged, removed or destroyed. Exercise caution to prevent your pets from being poisoned by 1080 baits. If poisoning occurs please seek immediate veterinary assistance or contact the Poisons Information Centre on 13 11 26.


Respect Wildlife:

  • Respect wildlife and observe them from a safe distance. Avoid approaching or disturbing wildlife, and never let your dogs chase or harass native animals. Keep wildlife wild by minimising interactions with domestic pets.


Be Prepared:

  • Carry essential supplies for your dogs, including water, food, a first aid kit, and any necessary medications. Plan ahead for emergencies and have a plan in place for dealing with unexpected situations while traveling with your dogs.


Report Pest Sightings:

  • If you encounter any signs of pest infestations or observe unusual or declared pests during your travels, report your findings to local authorities or the CWBA. Your assistance can help protect our environment and prevent the spread of pests.


Enjoy Your Visit:

  • Most importantly, enjoy your visit to the Central Wheatbelt Biosecurity region and create lasting memories with your dogs while respecting our environment and contributing to pest control efforts. Thank you for being responsible pet owners and stewards of our natural resources.